A Big “WHY” answered! Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you ever had brush with the law because of someone else’s negligence? Have you ever settled for less than you deserve because of aggressive lawyers and insurance adjusters? If so, one question must have popped up in your mind, “Was it worth not hiring a personal injury attorney?” Did you know that automotive accident victims who hire personal injury attorneys win 3.5 times more in compensation than victims who do not hire attorneys to represent their case? Did you know that 85% of all the settled personal injury cases in the United States involve the participation of personal injury attorneys? – Insurance Research Council The aftermath of a profoundly horrifying and immensely terrifying accident Reckless drunk driving, irresponsible drivers and the risky road conditions of Florida all combine to make accidents a significant cause of irreparable harm and permanent injuries. A personal injury case can be devastating, terrifying and...